Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I know it's lame, but...

I've kinda wanted to do this for some, so please indulge me.

I'm Sick:

I'm sick of all the fuckers tryin' to be bigger then me,
Alpha male masks worn by assholes who got their confidence for free.
I'm not the strongest, smartest, or funniest but please,
Stop competing with me so I can get some peace.

I'm sick of people who think they invented morality,
Telling me to shift my beliefs 180 degrees evangelically.
High school educated prophets claiming 2009 looks like 1984,
Claiming times are more horrible then we've ever seen before.

I'm sick of parents, you know just in general,
Moms and Dads who get parenting tips from the Oprah channel.
Their kids are spoiled, stupid, and stoned,
Blame on our head is whats heard when we're phoned.

I'm sick of feeling fucking sick,
My days reduced to watching clocks go tick.
Second guessing how I look going out the door,
Feeling like I'll be judged based on suburban tabloid folklore.

Now here comes the twist and a change of tone,
These are some of the glowing things my eyes have been shown.
People with full families adopting autistic kids,
Others standing up for others and taking parents hits.

I smile at a person who dares to show respect,
Even when among their friends this attitude will make them suspect.
I'm amazed at people who'll sit down and just talk,
Rather then stand up with a megaphone on their soapbox.

Despite all the bad I dare to have hope,
And even if I'm wrong, I'll dare to cope.
Instead of gathering around the camp fire and complaining,
I'll roll with the punches and help do something amazing.

If you read this, thanks. If this does not interest you at all, then don't worry. Soon I'll be doing a blog about fat people.

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